
Cat Life Stages

Cats are incredible companions that will always keep life interesting. Whether you’ve just adopted a senior cat or have a brand new litter of kittens on your hands, you need to know what they need during all stages of life. To simplify things for you, we’ve divided cat life stages into five sections: kitten, young adult, mature adult, senior, and super senior (or geriatric).

Cats (sort of) have nine lives and can live up to 20 years old. In fact, the record for the oldest living cat was Creme Puff, who reached over 38 wonderful years in Austin, Texas. Many factors go into how long your cat will live, and we will help you make the best possible choices for your fur baby.


See below for the cat life stages:


0 to 12 months

From the time they’re born until about one year old, kittens will be the cutest, most curious, playful, and oftentimes devious creatures. The first few months are the most critical period in their development. While newborns typically stay with their mothers for at least three months, this isn’t always the case.

We are here to support you and provide you with the necessary tools for your kitten, including nutritional information, advice on litter box training, behavior correction, and spay/neutering. Your kitten may want to use you as a human jungle gym, but you definitely don’t want this to continue into adulthood! With our help, we’ll ensure that he or she grows into a healthy, well-mannered young adult. We recommend bringing your kitten to see us within 48 hours of adoption.

Cat Life stages-Kitten

Young Adult

1 to 5 years

After 12 months, your kitten has officially graduated into young adulthood. If you’re a parent to a human child, this stage may remind you of the teenage years. Your cat is young, confident, high-energy, and ready to take on the world. It’s now time to switch up the food for adult-appropriate nutrients and bring him or her in for an annual wellness check-up.

During this time, your cat will have reached physical and sexual maturity. (If you haven’t yet spayed or neutered your cat, please book an appointment with us ASAP!) You can expect that your feline has reached the approximate size and weight that they’ll likely maintain. Most of his or her behaviors and personality traits will likely continue into mature adulthood.

Cat Life stages-Young Adult

Mature Adult

5 to 8 years

Once your cat enters into mature adulthood, you may not think that much has changed. However, one year in a cat’s life can be the equivalent to four or five human years. During this time, your cat could become less playful or begin to sleep more. Because of these behavioral changes, your cat might begin to gain weight. As your cat settles into familiar ways, it’s especially important to bring him or her in for check ups. We want to ensure that your cat is getting the proper care, nutrition, and treatment.

Cat Life stages-Mature Adult


8 to 15 years

When your cat reaches the age of 8, he or she may begin to slow down significantly. Senior cats often display behavioral changes, such as being more vocal, more (or less) affectionate, and adverse to change. They may also have reduced mobility and struggle to jump on the couch or walk up the stairs. At this point, it is important that you start bringing your cat in for an exam every six months so we can monitor his or her health and guide you toward proper nutrition. We will also help you catch any illnesses in their early stages, as cats are great at hiding their ailments.

Cat Life stages-Senior

Super Senior

15+ years

Many cats, especially if they are indoor-only, will live past the age of 15. This is the “super senior” or “geriatric” stage of life, and, unfortunately, the last. We want to help you provide the best quality of life for your elderly cat. Often, cats will begin to lose their vision, hearing, or mobility. It’s common for them to develop one or more chronic ailments. With the right environment, diet, and possibly medication, you can provide your furry friend with the best care as they near the rainbow bridge. We recommend bringing your super senior cat in to see us every three to six months.

Cat Life stages-Super Senior